
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-01 07:22:31 作者:释然 Language

“接纳一切,治愈一切”,影片的主题是爱与接纳。春之屋的温泉可以治愈各种受伤的小动物,各种内心受伤的人也能在这里得到治愈。亲人离世的小织在这里当起了小老板娘,在守护神的鼓励下接纳了过去,战胜了自己内心的恐惧。 "Accept everything and heal everything", the theme of the film is love and acceptance. The hot springs of Spring House can heal all kinds of injured small animals, and all kinds of people with inner injuries can also be healed here. Xiaozhi, whose relatives passed away, became an innkeeper here, accepted the past with the encouragement of Xiaomai, and overcame her inner fear. 真正治愈我们的不是时间,而是我们经历过的事情。所以在消沉时不要停止前进的脚步,认真做好每件事情,在这个过程中学会成长。也许你再次抬头的时候就会发现不一样的世界。 What heals us is not time, but what we have experienced. So don't stop moving forward when you are depressed, do everything seriously and learn to grow in the process. Maybe you will find a different world when you look up again. 与动漫中的温暖治愈形成对比的是日本现实社会中的沉闷。疫情之前在日本开会待过一段时间,抽身分别到奈良和京都玩了玩。虽然是大夏天,但在电车上的人都穿着正装和长裤,城市里也没有外卖小哥,总感觉缺少了一份活力。现实世界中得不到的东西寄托在了动漫中,或许这就是日本动漫发达的其中一个原因吧。 In contrast to the warmth healing in anime is the dullness of Japanese real society. I have been there attending a conference before the epidemic and took time to play in Nara and Kyoto respectively. Although it is big summer, everyone on the tram was wearing formal clothes with long trousers, and there were no deliverymen in the city, which makes me feel a lack of vitality. Things that are not available in the real world are pinned in anime. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Japanese anime is so developed . 发布于 01-30 文章被以下专栏收录 一周一影 一周一影 记录无线,瞬间永恒 关注专栏 推荐阅读 小王子(Little Prince)读后感(英文) 整个知乎好像都没有一篇小王子英文版的读后感。 把自己写的发出来,欢迎大家在评论区多多指教!(原创不易,转载请联系本人并注明出处) It’s a normal afternoon, sunshine through the w… 牛亦飞 《The Fault in Our Stars》观后感 Life is just like champagne, a bottle of stars. 并非人人生而完美。每个人的生活中总会有多多少少的痛苦,但是在无尽的痛苦之中,我们还是会发现美好存在的痕迹。 在等待死亡的过程中,… Zoey 双生火焰链接之不同种类 Different types of twin flame connections Origin: youtube Note: i don’t write much about twin flame anymore, because i do not want people to stick to a certain label and be st… A Me... · 发表于双生火焰旅程之引领与培训 分享一篇英语自我介绍 To introduce myself Hello,every one!My name is XXX. I'm a 19 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of XXX. I'm an active ,lovely and clever girl. In the school ,… Iceberg


原 名:若おかみは小学生!
又 名:小学生老板娘 / 温泉屋小女将(港) / 年轻的老板娘是小学生! / 温泉屋小女管家 / 温泉屋少掌柜 / Okko's Inn / Waka Okami wa Shōgakusei!
首 播:2021-01-29(中国大陆) / 2018-06-11(安锡动画电影节) / 2018-09-21(日本)




© 2022 3楼猫动漫 站点地图 广告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com