Mutual Atrocities without Heroes

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-06-29 10:31:11 作者:朱蒙 Language


第四季第五話算是全劇巔峰之一,Willy Tybur的臺上演講,Eren和Reiner的臺下地下室交心,一明一暗兩線交織,相輔相成道出了諫山創刻畫這本漫畫的理念——這個世界壓根沒有救世主,有的只是立場不同、卻本質相似的人類。他們看似被命運掌控,實則又在掌控命運並與其鬥爭,而這鬥爭終將是虛無。



B: “That old man, I think what he wanted… was to be judged by someone.”




可是Reiner不知道,Eren之所以與之坐下談心,也想告訴對方自己即將犯下與之相似的反人類罪行。所以Eren何嘗又不是希望被Reiner,以及一旁的Falco, judged?

R: “Eren, why did you come here?”

E: “Same reason you did.”

E: “Did you get it? Same reason as you did. Because I had no other choice.”


當Eren和Reiner在臺下相顧無言時,Willy Tybur並沒有閒著,他走向前臺,站在聚光燈下。Willy道出了一個馬萊人深信的故事:

這個世界有個英雄叫Helos,他曾在被巨人族Eldians奴役的世界下驅逐了King Fritz,並將其束縛在了Paradis島。在這個超英故事裡,Helos是全人類的希望,而King Fritz是反派。後者帶著強大的巨人力量登島後,隨時都有可能重新釋放這個力量重新毀滅世界。



E: “You hear that, Reiner? Isn’t that why you destroyed the wall?”

E: “You guys were trying to save the world. Weren’t you?”


但這裡迎來了一個轉折,以及諷刺。Willy揭示到,其實Helos這個英雄並不存在,只是Tybur家族和馬萊高層編織出來的一個信仰。而真正結束戰爭的“英雄”,正是Eldian族的King Fritz——原本全世界的仇恨核心。

在百年的巨人之戰中,King Fritz目睹了生靈塗炭,意識到自己族人罪孽深重,於是決定結束這場無休止的屠戮。他帶著大部分Eldian族人離開大陸,踏上Paradis島,造了三座牆,篡改了他們的記憶,將他們封鎖其內。

W: “Now then, the story I’ve told thus far is common knowledge. However, the truth is somewhat different.”

W: “Around 100 years ago, it was neither Helos nor the Tyburs who ended the Great Titan War.”

W: “The one who ended the fighting and saved the worlds… was King Fritz.”

W: “He was pained by the endless oppression of Marley, schemed with the Tyubr family, and fabricated a Marleyan hero, Helos.”

W: “The King then moved as many Eldians as he could to the island and closed the gates. He made a vow renouncing war so his ideology would be inherited.”

Willy又點出,四年前派出的凱之巨人,也就是Reiner一行人,他們身為馬萊的“英雄”,嘗試奪回始祖巨人而解救世界,他們的任務雖未完全成功,卻定位了始祖的身份——Eren Jaeger。





E: “Like Willy says – I’m the bad guy. I might just destroy the world.”

E: “But to me, you were the bad guys, too.”

E: “That day, when the wall was destroyed and Titans invaded my hometown, I watched my mom get eaten.”

E: “I couldn’t understand. Why, Reiner? Why was my mom eaten by a Titan?”

R: “…Because on that day, we broke the wall.”

E: “Why did you break the wall?”

R: “To sneak in during the chaos and see how the King would react.”

E: “What was your mission? “

R: “To retake the Founding Titan and save the world.”

E: “I see… If it was to save the world, you didn’t have much choice.”

這段對話唯一能確定的是——英雄的存在被消滅了。曾經的Reiner想拯救族人和家人,他的所謂英雄主義造就了成千上萬Wall Maria下Eldians的屍體;如今的Eren想拯救族人和家人,與Reiner不同的是,他清楚這並不是英雄主義,而是mass genocide。


R: “… Back then, you told me: I’ll make you guys suffer and die in the worst way possible. Isn’t that why you came?”

E: “… Oh, I vaguely remember saying that.”

R: “Huh?”

E: “Just forget it.”

E: “True, I saw everyone on the other side of the sea as my enemy. But then, I crossed the sea, slept under the same roof as them, ate the same food…”

E: “Reiner, I’m the same as you. Sure, there’re jerks here, but good people too. Across the sea, within the walls… It’s the same. But you guys were taught everyone in the walls was a devil. You were children who knew nothing, but it was drilled into you.”

E: “You were just kids. What could you even do?”




順應著Willy那句話,Eren苦笑道,我只能繼續前進——“Because I was born to this world. “



進擊的巨人 最終季
中文名:進擊的巨人 最終季
原 名:進撃の巨人 The Final Season Part.1
又 名:進擊的巨人 第四季 / 進撃の巨人 Season 4
首 播:2020-12-07(日本)




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