
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-08-04 17:34:03 作者:Franz Josef Language

你的名字。 - 第1張

There exists quite a lot of criticism to Your Name., like excoriating that the mixture of various high-end literary forms and concepts revealed the director's full ambition and aggressiveness. Lacking in a bit of rigorousness as control over the time line, it still outstands as one of the most prominent masterpiece amongst the Japanese animated films which the author has watched till now.

你的名字。 - 第2張

By contrast with From Kokuriko Hill written by Miyazaki Hayao and directed by Miyazaki Goro, music and film art of Your Name. never performed inferiorly than did the former, nor did plots underperformed in any respect. Works of Genre Miyazaki were adept at utilising abundant and variegated classical symphony and soft female vocals to decorate themselves as exquisite French banquets in beautification; Shinkai Makoto got used to applying more elements of popular music, and more boldly, he chose RADWIMPS, a Japanese niche rock band, which presented just as a Japanese dessert in average home, with catchy commonness full of favour and precisely targeted emotion expression. From the perspective of film art, Your Name. inherited the exquisiteness in every frame, since 5 Centimetres Per Second was issued, and revealed more integrity as well as smoothness than did the works of Genre Miyazaki. Speaking of plots, the film was not merely as fresh and romantic as Garden Of Words, but full of delectable ups and downs as well, which indeed displayed his thorough sincerity and effort to tell a tale.

你的名字。 - 第3張

With no resemblance to the works of Genre Miyazaki in seek of grand themes and profound thoughts, instead, Shinkai Makoto prefers to realise life and emotion of modern men and women, to render magnificent dreams and explorations beyond times, and to pursue briskness, exquisiteness, elegance as well as tenderness. Moreover, he even contains sort of Naturalistic charm. Bold applications of new technologies or even cutting-edge technologies feature Shinkai Makoto distinctively and endow his works with excellent painting techniques and visual rendering. Yet due to such innovation, these trials incur disdain from some conservatives of Hand-Painted Genre along with harvesting appreciation.

你的名字。 - 第4張

Cartoonists of Genre Miyazaki hold a philosophy that even a flower can reflect a universe, while Shinkai Makoto is in favour of depicting trivial life with delicacy and nihility. The two genres are not two antagonist blocs like ice against fire but twin stars of Japanese animation industry, mutually attractive, yet independent. To be concluded, the author reckons that New Rococo High-Tech Group headed by Shinkai Makoto are the emerging next generation who can completely relay cartooning from Genre Miyazaki or coexist with them to expand the Japanese cultural pattern.

你的名字。 - 第5張

Note: "Rococo" and "High-Tech" are both derived from architecture. Although there are derived concepts of Rococo in literature and painting, but the author knows little but Rococo in architecture. Hereby the concept used in the text is derived. The concept of High Tech refers to the transformation and application of achievements of contemporary new technology, in accord with the core the High-Tech in architecture. The concept of New emphasises its epoch-making innovation.







你的名字。 - 第6張

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原 名:君の名は。
又 名:你的名字 / 君之名 / Your Name / Kimi no na wa.
首 播:2016-12-02(中國大陸) / 2016-08-26(日本)




© 2022 3樓貓動漫 站點地圖 廣告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com